So my lovely friend Georgia and I have decided to do a photo challenge. We thought long and hard about when would be the easiest time to start it and decided that December was definitely the quietest month of the year - haha - why not add another job to the chaos and fun that is Christmas! Woo hoo!!
So the challenge is a Christmas themed list but I think we will stick reasonably loosely to the theme! Christmas with a summer/kiwi feel!
My goal is to get off automatic mode and start shooting in manual.... time to learn how to use this baby more! First photo above was taken in auto so I could see the settings etc... second photo (a couple of hours later, when the flower was looking a little sad) in manual... I don't think I did too bad with the focus and lighting! Challenges were getting the child to stay still (her arms got tired!) and the wind blowing the flower around.
If anyone else wants to join in the fun let me know and I will send you the list....